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FAQ по предварительным версиям Windows 10 FAQ по предварительным версиям Windows 10

На этой странице собраны ответы на вопросы о предварительной версии Windows 10 и переходе с нее на финальную версию.
 Основные отличия Windows 10 Основные отличия Windows 10

В статье рассказывается об основных отличительных особенностях Windows 10 по сравнению с Windows 7 и Windows 8/8.1

Mini vci driver

Вы пытаетесь скачать софт Mini vci driver скачать. Загрузка начнется через 9 секунд. Если этого не произошло, то нажмите сюда.

Now install the Techstream software using "Techstream 8.00.034.exe" and then after installation, open up the "Techstream_Update_V8.10.021.exe" file to update it. DO NOT launch it yet.

Equipment Needed:

IMPORTANT. Some people have reported that updating firmware on this “cheap clone” cable may render it dead. So, the Firmware Update Tool should NOT be used for anything, but checking that the device is connected and working properly.

Connect MVCI cable to your car’s OBDII interface, turn ignition on, then click “Connect to Vehicle” in Techstream.

Wait. Then wait again ( by the way, you'll be doing that a lot with this cable ). If everything works, you will be prompted to confirm car year/model after which you'll get to the diagnostic interface.

I got stuck doing Google searches for about 2 hours trying to figure out if this could be done on a Windows 64-bit computer without the use of annoying Dual Boot or Virtual Machines on XP, and despite what most of these threads say, IT CAN BE DONE!

The software works on any OS, but the drivers are the problem so instead they just have to be downloaded manually. I hope this helps some of you guys out.

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